
"Bang" to a Wei Ya face a gloomy, Xu Kerr looked at him with complicated eyes but didn’t speak. Yin Qianhui also felt worried and didn’t know where to start. The room immediately fell into silence and was full of depression.

“他们就是我刚才说到那个倒霉犬妖同族估计也是冲着这份西辽藏宝图来” 送走了几位不受欢迎客人魏涯长出了一口气低将访客身份透露给两女知晓徐可儿很不满意他解释气呼呼地说道 “你一定是成心不然他们干吗早不来晚不来偏偏等你把这份藏宝图送给我才来说你们是什么时候串谋!” 魏涯摆出一副赖架势一屁股坐在沙摊双手说道 “天地玄黄宇宙洪荒犬妖这种不入流蹩脚妖怪这辈顶天也就修炼到洪字级你不必搞得这么紧张吧!” 凭他说得天花乱坠奈徐可儿不肯买账说道 “我不管破坏姑娘好心情你得负责赔偿” 摆了死猪不怕水烫魏涯摇晃着脑袋说道 “赔偿什么?咱们先说好类似身相许这种掉价事俺是坚决不会同意地!” “哼!你倒想得美!从现在到出前这段时你和千蕙学姐就先住在我这如果犬妖敢来找茬就由你去对付它们” 同居?反正男人是不可能吃亏!魏涯脑里面闪动了几个念头抱着一种窃喜地心情似是可奈地说道 “那好吧!犬妖我来打它们翻不了天” 徐可儿微微一笑挽住尹千蕙胳膊说道 “千蕙姐我们去卧室聊天让他留在这看门吧!” 眼见得沦某种负责看门哺乳动物同等待遇魏涯立时鼓噪起来说道 "Hey, what do you think I am!" "Little darling to take care of the door! […]


There is nothing with Xiong’s family now, not even much food, and there is no need for any more disasters. After a while, many people will starve to death with Xiong’s family, while Fuxi tribal city is still in the city house, Lingshi and so on, and even food is enough for several years. All this makes Xuanyuan Huangdi feel great frustration.

However, Xiong was able to live in Xuanyuan Huangdi, but he let the heads of the fathers come over and begged Qin Nan. "No problem, heads of the Xuanyuan clan, […]


Volume III

Chapter two hundred and thirty The plan won’t change. After the left foot injury was diagnosed, Qinan was admitted to Naples Municipal Hospital by the club for special treatment by […]


Alek dare not move.

He can’t hold the steering wheel very well, and he can look straight at the route in vain. "Yes," Alec uttered a strange curl of his tongue. His whole expression […]